Online mystery shopping: Dispel the mystery and improve your ecommerce’s performance

Why are some ecommerce websites more successful than others? Is it the design or the story behind the brand? Do some hidden functionalities compel users to complete their orders and keep coming back for more? In order to answer these questions, let’s first consider the following scenario. UX designers assure you that your website is… Continue reading Online mystery shopping: Dispel the mystery and improve your ecommerce’s performance

Customer buying behaviours online vs offline.

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digitalization process in a number of fields, including the retail industry. According to experts, online shopping penetration has risen from 15.8% in 2019 to 21.3% in 2021. When brick-and-mortar shops were forced to close or offline shopping was heavily restricted, having a solid online platform… Continue reading Customer buying behaviours online vs offline.

Ecommerce Impulse Buying Strategies

Impulse buying has been a tried and trusted tactic of bricks and mortar stores to boost revenue for decades, but many online retailers fail to implement the strategy in the eCommerce environment. Some online store owners may have trouble visualising how the real world flow of impulse buying and its many psychological subtleties translates into… Continue reading Ecommerce Impulse Buying Strategies

How to properly structure your shop’s product categories

Online stores are supposed to provide the perfect shopping experience. After all, there are no broken shopping carts, no misplaced products, and no aisles to get lost in while looking for the checkout. Right? Well, unfortunately, e-commerce businesses tend to mimic the real-life shopping experience a little too accurately, and it’s not uncommon to find… Continue reading How to properly structure your shop’s product categories

What should I focus on first: more traffic or improving customer experience?

The question of quality versus quantity is extremely relevant in the digital world. What should businesses focus on in order to reach their objectives? Should they devote resources to generating more traffic or should they focus on satisfying their existing customers in the hope of attracting a loyal following that organically spreads the word about… Continue reading What should I focus on first: more traffic or improving customer experience?

How to improve organic traffic with the help of SEO

SEO or search engine optimisation is on everyone’s lips when a website is being built. Relevant keywords are chosen and inserted into html tags, website maps, and other on-page elements, but as soon as the website is launched and visible for search engines, attention shifts towards the presumed next phase of the marketing process: promoting… Continue reading How to improve organic traffic with the help of SEO

How to make sure your brand and its value proposition are clear for your consumers

The world has come a long way since the days when branding was just a simple way to identify cattle that belonged to different ranches. In the marketing world, branding has become an intricate process that aims to both attract and persuade customers. Today’s brands do so much more than just distinctively mark products belonging… Continue reading How to make sure your brand and its value proposition are clear for your consumers

How to grow your customer engagement through good UX/UI?

In today’s global economy, advertisers and marketers can use digital marketing campaigns to literally reach millions of people in a matter of minutes. With a hefty advertising budget, any e-business or ecommerce business can take the digital world by storm. Surely, by attracting millions of users, sales will soar to unknown heights. Well it all… Continue reading How to grow your customer engagement through good UX/UI?

How to measure customer engagement on your website?

In today’s hyper-connected world, it’s no secret that the advent of Social Media has prompted a steep decline in attention span. In 2000, the average attention span was considered to be 12 seconds, but, after only 15 years, this average had already dropped to 8.25 seconds. To put this into perspective, according to scientists, goldfish… Continue reading How to measure customer engagement on your website?