Are you happy with 97% (or more) of your traffic leaving your site without buying? What can you do to improve online sales? Find out by using Pulse Mystery Shoppers, a world first eCommerce mystery shopping service that provides real insights into your customers’ online buying journey.
Combining an extensive bricks & mortar mystery shopping experience with digital marketing strategies to identify opportunities to turn customers into raving fans, Pulse Mystery Shoppers has been designed to fill a void in the eCommerce space to provide tangible opportunities to improve the customer experience. Do you know what roadblocks you have on your site making your visitors leave?
- Pulse Mystery Shoppers measure their experience against industry best-in-class stores
- Use your Pulse Scorecard as a success metric
- Cost-effective solution that drives results

Pulse Mystery Shopping is the result of years of e-commerce data analysis, UX design optimisation and shopper behaviour studies. While for decades bricks and mortar stores have employed mystery shopping services to improve their customer experience and brand reputation, the service has yet to be adopted by the e-commerce community.
Why not?
Your customer is still walking through your front door, albeit with a digital footprint, and they can still potentially suffer the very real frustrations of not finding products, poor customer service, and slow checkout. Our mystery shopper service can be your customer. They will arrive at your shop front, navigate your aisles, purchase a product and checkout.
The supplied Mystery Shopping report will highlight areas in which you excel, and those that could do with improvement. Leverage the results to improve your shopper experience, giving you the edge over your competition and creating an army of repeat customers. The e-commerce landscape is forever in flux, so we also offer a subscription service that will see your store regularly visited to ensure you are improving and changing as new features and experiences come to the fore.
We want to help businesses provide a better online experience for their customers.
Will it be yours? We'd love to talk shop!
/ shop- For an eCommerce Store wanting to review the Mobile user experience from homepage to checkout
- 100+ point check
- Homepage
- Category Pages
- Product Pages
- Cart
- Checkout
- Test Purchase
- Shoppers Experience Video
- Pulse Score & Report
- * plus Product Allowance (or Voucher)
- * Google Analytics Required (read-only)
/ shop- A shopaholics dream, a full user experience for both Mobile and Desktop from homepage to checkout
- 200+ point check
- Homepage
- Category Pages
- Product Pages
- Cart
- Checkout
- Test Purchase
- Shoppers Experience Video
- Pulse Score & Report
- * plus Product Allowance (or Voucher)
- * Google Analytics Required (read-only)
You will receive your Pulse scorecard and video of the experience within 7 days.
Read only access to your sites data helps our analytical team put together a customised report that consolidates the mystery shopping experience with your sites data.
A nominal product allowance of $10 is included in the price of all mystery shops. This ensures we can test the full experience right through the checkout.
The discount code covers the difference between the product allowance and the actual cost of the product. The product allowance is included in the price of the mystery shop, the discount code covers the balance of the item purchased.
Sure. Just email info@pulsemysteryshoppers within 7 days of placing your order and provide your Store name and we will process a refund with 7 days.
We get that running an online store takes time, so if you are looking for a skilled team to implement the recommended changes to help you improve your customers’ experience we are more than happy to connect you with the right resources. Just get in touch with us at info@pulsemysteryshoppers.